As we all know, this is a journey for me and my family. I warned you... there would be lots of changes going down... lots of growing, lots of learning, lots to be humble about. I realized before Lilah was even born, that we could get through this and everything else that is thrown our way if we just take it one day at a time. If I try to look at the long-term/big picture, I get overwhelmed. But, I can handle one day. And then, flash-forward a month and I am knee-deep and right in the thick of day-to-day with two. It is a blur... filled with lots of happy moments and some I am glad are behind me! Sleepy eyes and feedings and Mickey Mouse and snacks and dirty diapers. Then push the repeat button every three hours. But leaving the house... all three of us? Hmmm... it seemed my fears were about to be confronted.
So there I go... me and the kiddos. I painstakingly review every detail before I leave the house. Wet wipes... check. Two diaper sizes... check. Car keys... check. Water, blankies, burp cloths, snacks, coats, wallet, sleep sheep, paci, phone... check, check, check. I put Clay in the car seat, run and grab the diaper bag and put that in the car. Then comes Lilah. And off we go to have a joyous morning at our library story time that we participate in every week.
And joyous it was. Clay was an angel as he sat quietly with the other twenty children listening intently to the story. Lilah lay asleep in my arms, so peaceful. Craft time went off without a hitch as Clay followed directions and made he cutest santa hat. We proceeded to pick out our books and we walked hand in hand to the counter to check out our books. The librarian commented on how well-behaved my kiddos were and I politely smiled and said, "I know." It was joyous, our little trip to the library.
Haha... I almost had ya. Yeah, that never happened. I wrote that dreaming about what it would have been like if it had gone well... my first trip out alone. But, it went more like this: We arrive at the library with an insane amount of stuff like we are actually staying the night. A stroller with car seat, big diaper bag, my handbag, a duffel bag of library books, a toddler and a newborn. Everyone keeps a good 20 feet from us as we maneuver through the library. We head over to the book return where you can fit about three books in the slot at the same time. I was thinking about the weeks earlier when I was holding Clay and we were putting the books in together--counting, laughing, smiling. And now, I was shoving the books in as fast as they would go as Lilah realized we stopped moving and decides the library is way too quiet. She starts crying and I try shoving the books in faster as a line forms behind me. Of course. I turn around after every shove-in to see if Clay is still within sight. Finally done. I get Lilah out of the car seat and start the bouncy-walk... the only thing that keeps her cries at a minimum. With a, "Come on Clay," every 5 seconds, me pushing this bus-of-a-stroller and doing a ridiculous bouncy-walk, we make our way to the children's section.
At craft time, we spent a record 3 minutes on the santa hat. And when I say we... I mean me. I did the craft quickly to get us out the door and to prevent any further embarrassment. Clay still managed to lick the glue stick in the 3 minutes we were at the craft table. And, since I was hurrying, I didn't follow directions and the hat was way too small to fit on Clay's head. Oh well. Off to check out our books. I put Lilah in her car seat which she loudly protests as I am putting her straps on. Her protests turn into an all-out wail and the librarian checking out our books gets really uncomfortable. She says, "Oh no! Get her out. She hates that." I reply, "Yes, I know... but I have to strap her into her car seat. We are going out to the car and it's raining." She continues, "Let me hold her. She is so mad." And I smile, grab my books and move my caravan to the door.
I get home and Corey says, "How did it go?" "We survived," I said. And survive we did. And tomorrow, we will pack up, head to the library and do it all over again. And one of these times, it will get easier. That... or we will be uninvited to story time.
Yes, Lilah has taught me lots. She has taught me that fears are just that. A word that is sometimes scarier than the connotation attached. When you actually think about the worst that can happen if the fears become a reality, they often times aren't as scary as we make them out to be. I admit... it wasn't pretty... me and the kiddos out in the public for all to enjoy. But, nothing bad happened and after all, we did it. All by ourselves. And I have to say, there is some satisfaction in that. Another thing Lilah has taught me... a situation doesn't have to be perfect, pretty or even without a tear or two to be successful. We accomplished what we set out to do and sometimes that is enough. What is enough for us... is enough and we can be proud of that. Looking back, there were some shining moments in those experiences. The "old me" would have let the bad define my day. But, why not focus on those shining moments throughout the day instead of getting caught up in the what didn't go right?
See, I am learning. One day at a time. And we will get to making situations pretty... and if not, dang-it, we are going to have fun trying!
ReplyDeleteThis is such an "entertaining" blog and your transparency is refreshing.
Wishing you and your sweet family a blessed Christmas.
We look forward to meeting all of you.
Marcia Bagwell
It gets easier!! Keep your head up! Even now with one at nearly 4 and one at 19 months...we have bad outtings lol.
ReplyDeleteHello Leslie! I wanted to introduce myself......I am Leslie and my beautiful daughter Lyla Rose was born with Achondroplasia on September 21, 2010. Your mom reached out to me and posted a comment on my
ReplyDeleteYour Lilah is beautiful! Your son is a cutie!
I actually can't believe I found your mom's comment. It was posted earlier in the month and I just discovered it going back and reading some of my previous postings! First let me say congratulations on the birth of your previous daughter! I read some of your previous posts and understand very well the fear, the unknown, etc. well I want you to know that I have been there and I can honestly say that you are about to embark on the most amazing journey of your life! You will soon realize that Lilah is just like any other child except small. Everyone that meets Lyla loves her and thinks she is the cutest kid they've ever seen! She has brought so much joy to our lives that I can't even believe I ever shed one tear for my beautiful daughter. She is everything I have ever wanted and more and I am hear for support and guidance if you need it. I have the perfect life with my husband and two beautiful daughters! I love helping new parents and I have supported a lot of parents all over the world!
I found out about Lyla at a routine 36 week sonogram and we were completely devastated! I thought my life would be filled with doctor, appointments, surgeries, hospitals, etc. and my fear took the best of me. My angel Lyla is completely healthy and a very happy, typical toddler! She is a little love and she is PERFECTION!!
Because of her I am a true advocate for dwarfism and I have been determined to help people because I want them to know that everything will be wonderful! Enjoy every second with your angel because they grow up way to fast. You will blink your eyes and she will be doing everything her older brother will be doing! Remember.....Lilah is small, that's all!
Contact me anytime!
Leslie (Long Island, N.Y)