With each passing day I feel the fire inside of me growing larger and larger. It's my passion that is growing-- and such a paradox it is. I am loving and I am fighting. I am fighting because I am loving. It may be difficult to understand how these two things can co-exist inside one person and yet work simultaneously and seamlessly together. Yet, that is what is happening...
Last weekend I was fighting. I was standing up against a hate-word that is so unnecessary and has no place in our society. And, I am beyond overjoyed at the number of people that have learned from that post. "I promise" became my two favorite words and I got to hear them fall on my ears and I got to see them pass by in front of my eyes over and over again. It was very rewarding to know that our village swelled in size last weekend. And if you are new to our village. Welcome. I'll grab you a chair and some ice-cold lemonade. Stay awhile.
My work has only just began. God has chosen this family for Lilah... and I have a purpose to fulfill in His name. I have lots of big ideas in the works and I am thanking you in advance for your support... more to come.
Back to the paradox... yes I was fighting for the end of the m-word. But what I didn't get to talk about in that post was the other part of the fire inside of me. The love. The love for my family. For my children. For their future. Many comments were directed at the idea that I should teach Lilah to ignore that word. That I should teach her that "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." That I should teach her to rise above. And yes, I did not get to go into all of what I will teach her in her lifetime last week... but please don't lose sight of the purpose of that post and please understand that just because I was a fighter, doesn't mean I am not a lover. I think I can be the best of both which I am convinced, is why God gave her to me. I do have a lot to teach both of my children. And in time, I will. And also in time, I will share with you what I am teaching them.
This is how I look at it (I love analogies... so here you go):
{My daughter, she will be learning to walk soon. And as her mama, I will go to the path where she will take her first steps and I will scan ahead. I see a branch, some rocks and a snake. So, in anticipation, I clear the path for her. (This is me trying to spread the word to end the word. I look at her future and I try to educate society on dwarfism.) I have also been working with Lilah by taking her hands in mine and helping her walk here and there. She has been pulling up to a stand and we have been practicing those first few steps. (This is me, teaching her, preparing her, building up her confidence.) She is ready for the path. She starts out great as I follow right behind her but, she steps into a little hole. (Yes, there will be pitfalls along the way that I won't be able to prevent. Opportunities to learn to watch out for the "holes" in life.) But I can guarantee I will be there when she falls and help her to get back on her feet til she's off and running.}
It is what any mama would do. You anticipate, you prepare and teach, you let go, and you offer love and support. I am doing no different.
But the sphere... many talked about my sphere of influence. I was told it will never be big enough. I could never reach enough people to make a difference. (And I am taking this a step further...) why even try? Why should I even attempt when I can personally only reach hundreds of people in a country where there are over 300 million and in a world where there are over seven billion people?
Because this is why... she is why. How could I teach Lilah that she is big enough if I don't even feel that I am? If I go through life, "How many people can I reach, why should I even try?" What kind of message is that sending her? You don't have to be big to do big things. I will teach her that you can be big if you believe in yourself and you never give up on your dreams. I will teach her this by showing her this. I will be big enough.
She's Big Enough For Me
I hold you in my arms cooing and goo-gooing as others pass us by
"How old is she? She's so little," they say in the blink of an eye.
"Yes, she is my little one." But I wish that they could see
The love and joy behind those eyes... "She's big enough for me."
Fast forward a few years and she's running round and round
with all the other kiddos playing at the school playground.
"She can't play... she's too small," the children all agree.
Her brother stands up to the crowd, "She's big enough for me."
The bus lets off, the kids file in, she enters the sixth grade...
The looks, the stares... she leaves everyone a little bit dismayed.
A girl sits next to her in class, a friend could she be?
She pays no attention to the others, "She's big enough for me."
Cheer tryouts have begun; she attempts to make the team.
The nay-sayers have come out-- ready to crush her dream.
The coach watches her perform and cheer so effortlessly.
He tells her she's made the squad, "She's big enough for me."
Scholarships and SAT's and applications to send in.
She writes essays about her life-- but which college to attend?
The admissions receives her application with her biography.
They love it, they love her, "She's big enough for me."
She finds her mission and stands behind it one-hundred and ten percent
She speaks to many and then to thousands at each and every event.
She's a teacher, a fighter, and a lover all to the -nth degree
And then they all stand up and say, "She's big enough for me."
He caught her eye and sheepishly asked for her on a date
Who would have thought that silly glance would find her a soulmate?
He asked her father for her hand and got on bended knee
"I want to spend my life with you... you're big enough for me."
And now a lifetime has gone by and she's sitting on her porch.
She looks up to heaven and thanks God for giving her the torch.
The lives she's touched, the love she's spread, the way she's lived so free...
Her heart is full, she's done His work... "I'm big enough for me."
And when it's time for heaven to open up the pearly gate,
She stands before and smiles already knowing of her fate.
He winks at her and hands over the shiny and golden key.
So proud of her is He, "She's big enough for me."
Learning to wave and say "dada"
Mounting all by himself is a big deal.
Enough hair to finally wear a clip.
One of our favorite places: the barn.